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Stop, Collaborate and Listen!

Updated: Nov 18, 2018

I have been working along side Dave in clinic for over 2 years... and by 'along side' I mean collaborating.

In the health world where practitioners so often fight and compete with each other, this is the fresh of breath air we both needed. We are 2 health professionals from varying fields, different upbringings and qualifications.

We both want to make the sport and health sector a better place for all, by educating the future professionals on varying topics. We realised we each had different strengths to bring to the table and so the best way to do that was together. There was no competition, hierarchy or need for one of us to over power the other. We just sat down over a coffee and openly discussed what we wanted to share and what we felt was our strongest attributes professionally were.

I have a strong belief that for the benefit of us all, health professionals regardless of their field or piece of paper should create a collaborative network that strengths their practices and utilises other professionals for all their assets.

No two practitioners are the same, each bring something unique to the table. This should be respected, applauded but most importantly encouraged. There is no need for jealously or ownership over specific techniques, this only creates confusion for our patients. An organic and united front cannot be faked, or patients will see straight through this. Patients want teamwork! They should see the respect you each have one another creating a sense of credibility and rapport, whilst keeping the focus on the patient's best interests.

Each individual practitioner has their own unique language and philosophy of treatment as does does each discipline.

Physiotherapists treat differently to Osteopaths, Osteopaths treat differently to Chiropractors and Myotherapists treat differently to Massage Therapists. Although there is common (and sometimes, treatment techniques) that overlap between professions, we all have different theories and goals to our treatment plans.

The challenge is hard enough... let's not make things harder by undermining one another's efforts to help those in pain!

​Rhianna is a unique manual therapies practitioner who provides individualised treatment sessions wherever you want your path to take you.

She is a Myotherapist who has worked in the industry for approximately 6 years and currently works in private practice at Physio Plus in West Footscray. Rhianna also has extensive experience working in Elite Sport working within Australian rules football at varying. In conjunction to this she is a part-time Senior Lecturer at Endeavour College in the Myotherapy Department.

Rhianna 's education company will be running a workshop in partnership with Enhance on July 1st. More details can be found on our Facebook page.

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